Drowning Ants In Water Is No Good!
One of the most common insects that everyone has once seen or even touched is an ant. From childhood, we have been given examples of being fiery and assembled like ants as they always move in line, share food and never stop. This was good to hear but now when you see a line of.

Have You Heard About Ultrasonic Pest Repeller?
Well if you haven’t heard about it, an ultrasonic pest repeller is an electronic device out of which high pitched sound at a precise frequency emits which claims to kill, discomfort, or drive away household pests. As the name and working suggest it seems a better and easier choice and that’s how they market their.

Take Care Of Your Home Garden
Insects love the greenery and plants and mostly survive on them. If you are planning to have one in your home or already have one, get ready to deal with different kinds of pests. The most common type to invade your plants is white bugs. If you find them in abundance you can consult any.

You Can Easily Spot These Nests Of Insects
Insects are very small and mostly can’t be seen from the human eye, therefore they make their nests hidden and in very small places. This is how they infest your home secretly, be it termites or bugs or such pests. They only come out of their nests in search of food then they go back.

What Do You Know About Fire Ants Queen?
The first question that arises in our mind is why is the fire ant queen called a queen? Well, the explanation is very simple, the whole reproduction of fire ants depends upon the fire ants queen as only she is allowed to reproduce rest only work under her command. She doesn’t have to forage for.

Extreme Summer Is Perfect For Insects!
Summer is our favorite season mainly because we get to do outdoor activities like beach parties, BBQs, camping, and other activities. You have noticed that this season is also a favorite of bugs. You can see wasps, mosquitoes, and termites more than in winters and must be thinking why so? Well, any kind of pest.

Unique Pest Infestation; Silverfish
On today’s episode of unique pest infestation, I have brought you silverfish, a unique and occasional invader of your home. These pests can be found in humid, dark, and moist areas of the home which includes basements, attics, and bathrooms. This insect fears humans therefore it tends to hide in the presence of humans and.

Unique Pest Infestation; Rollie Pollie
On our series of unique pests, we must introduce you to the pill bug, commonly known as rollie pollies. This bug spends all its life on land. These small creatures can get smaller by rolling into a tight ball, this is how they got their name. you can find them everywhere in the world. As.

Unique Pest Infestation; Ladybugs
Most people are familiar with ladybugs. They are also called lady beetles. Most species of Ladybugs are known for their benefits but some are a nuisance as well due to overwintering structure. This small pest has over 475 species in states alone. Any insect in abundance is creepy and annoying for you and a large.

Unique Pest Infestation; Millipedes
Millipedes can be found throughout the world, they have around 1,000 species occurring alone in the United States. These multiple leg insects can be easily found in the high moisture areas and where vegetation is decaying or piles of leaves. They do not like to invade your home but can occasionally come to look for.
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