
Ants, Mosquitoes, Houseflies, Cockroaches, Centipedes, Mites, Spiders, Aphids, Fruit Flies, as well as Rodents are found in households.

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AUSWIDE PEST CONTROL is a Victoria based company which specializes in commercial property pest management systems.

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The purpose of the pre-purchase inspection is to provide advice to a prospective purchaser or other interested party regarding the condition of the property on the date and at the time of the inspection.

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Spider Control

Spider Control

Spiders are probably the first thing that pop up in people’s heads when they think of insects in Australia.

Cockroach Control

Cockroach Control

Cockroaches are the most commonly reported insect pests around the world owing to their fast rates of reproduction

Ant Control

Ant Control

Australia is home to about 1300 different known species of ants with the most familiar

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Carpet Beetles/Moths

Carpet beetles are an insect pest that are relatively common in Australian homes.

Bee, Wasp and Hornet Control

Bee, Wasp and Hornet Control

Quite a few people often get confused between bees, wasps and hornets. Bees are fuzzy insects with yellow and black stripes.

Termite Control

Termite Control

Termites are one of the most common pests in Australia. According to the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial

Wood borer Control

Wood borer Control

Wood borers are not as common as termites, but they can be just as destructive when it comes to attacking wooden structures.

Rodent Control

Rodent Control

About 40% of all species belong to the order Rodentia and on top of that list are mammals that are disliked


Latest News

Pantry Pests Can Be Hectic Sometimes

The holiday season is approaching, so are our gatherings and family cooking season. You have to take out your crockery and stuff and while doing so you may come across these pantry pests who love to invade our kitchens. These pests are mostly attracted to our kitchens due to their survival on grains, like beans.

By: cheemz
In: Pest Control

Pantry Pests Can Be Hectic Sometimes

Holiday season is approaching, so are our gatherings and family cooking season. You have to take out your crockery and stuff and while doing so you may come across these pantry pests who love to invade our kitchens. These pests are mostly attracted to our kitchens due to their survival on grains, like beans and.

By: cheemz
In: Default

Birds’ Nests May Be Problematic Sometimes

On this website, you have read about different pests, how to invade and how to get rid of them but I am sure discussion about the birds may surprise you on how they can be connected to pests. Well, where there are bird nests there may be some insects as well and to get rid.

By: cheemz
In: Pest Control

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